The new year's just arrived. This reminds me of something I read about 9/11 a couple of months ago.
As each year fades into the last
As time keeps marching along
As the spotlight fades
and the memories begin
To not be as vivid - as strong
We all struggle in intensely private ways
With all that's happened that day, and since
I know how i struggle to find some peace
When so much never made any sense
But, i know i'm not alone in all these
Emotions that i feel
The pain that still burns in my broken heart
Each tear i still cry is still real
So - I still must pause - this day - every year
Each 26th of November - and look within
And look to the heavens - and pray -
Yes. I pray. And remember.
- From the cartoon strip NANCY by Guy and Brad Gilchrist
(The original strip had 11th of September instead of 26th of November.)